10-Pack Of Top Tunes
10 songs that really stood out to me in recent random listening:
1. Slash from Guns N’ Roses/I See Hawks in L.A.: Nothing like a good story song, and this is quite a tale: the saga of dueling Slashes appearing at rival L.A. parties in trendy Beachwood Canyon, with plenty of deliberate guitar cliches leading into an epic faceoff to determine which Slash is the imposter. And if you’re wondering where this fine alt-country/rock band comes up with this stuff, I’m told it’s based on a real incident. Album: California Country.
— Ken Barnes, USA TODAY

Sheringham Community Paper, Nottingham, England, August 2006
At the drop of a hat my good friend Kevin Neave took me over to Nottingham to see a gig that I simply couldn’t miss. There’s a big scene in Nottingham and ‘The Forest Tavern’ on Mansfield Road sports some high powered gigs. A lot of American artists seem to include this venue in their tours of the UK, Emmylou Harris was in Nottingham only days before I was there. On this occasion I went to see I See Hawks in L.A. and Tony Gilkyson in support. What a night:
I See Hawks in L.A. An unusual name but what a sound. Three vocals in harmony, great lead-fill guitar work in a style so appropriate to this feel coupled with slide and a lovely relaxed manner which wrapped itself around you like a blanket. You could describe their stuff as ‘Country’ but you’d be missing something. It had the usual great lyrics, harmonies and rhythms but had a biting edge I always associate with stuff from L.A. A touch of Rock perhaps. Either way it was warm and rich and left you feeling good. What more can I say? A great gig all round, great venue, great music and a great night.
— Tim Jefferson