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Review from Spain:

I See Hawks In L.A.: California Country
Once in a while, in the world of music, the unexpected surprises us. The unfamiliar enters our reality, and surprises us with something that we cannot even describe. At the same time, we savor the beauty of this music that arrives from unknown artists.
The band, I See Hawks In L.A., is delightful surprise. Curiously enough, they are indirectly well known in certain circles. Let me explain: everyone who has seen the San Miguel beer commercial (where there is a band playing at a highway honky-tonk joint in front of a very bored audience) has seen the band. In the commercial, the audience perks up when the San Miguel beers enter the scene. Suddenly, the audience is inspired to get up and dance to El Paquito’s el Chocolatero. The band playing in front of the bored audience is I see Hawks in L.A.
A strange way to be introduced to this band. The band was formed in 1999 in Los Angeles by Rob Waller and Lacques brothers Paul and Anthony, so they already carry a lot of experience and history on their backs. They have produced 3 CDs: I See Hawks in L.A. (on the already defunct Ethic label in 2001), Grapevine (on Western Seeds Records in 2004) and the last and magnificent California Country (in 2006 also from Western Seeds Records). They have proven that the old fashioned sounds of Country Rock from the 1960’s are not dead. Artists like Dillard and Clark, Flying Burrito Brothers, etc. have left a clear influence on the Hawks’ sound. Their music is seasoned with bits of folk music and brush strokes of Bluegrass. The result is that this band immediately reels you in.
What started as an entertaining idea over a couple of beers has become, with the passing of time, a way of life. Awarded Best Country Band in 2002 and 2003 by the prestigious L.A.Weekly publication, the band has captured a devoted fan base in Los Angeles. In a region such as California, where film is one of the principal industries, the band has been selected to compose the soundtrack for a number of documentaries, movies and T.V. shows, in addition to solidifying their spot on the American Sound charts with their second CD, Grapevine, becoming very well known in the area.
Back to the magnificent California Country, by far their best work; work that propelled them to became known outside of the limits of California. Most of the songs are written by Robert Waller and Paul Lacques (both perform duties on guitar and dobro, vocals and production), Dave Zirbel plays steel, Cody Bryant on banjo and Rick Shea on mandolin and acoustic guitar, along with the collaboration of the legendary Chris Hillman on mandolin. The final product does not disappoint.
Motorcycle Mama, Raised by Hippies and California Country are examples of the Hawks knowledge of medium tempo seasoned with slow tempo and magnificently demonstrated on Midnight Orlando (my favorite song on the disc) or the precious Take My Rest and Hard Times? ( the latter a prime example of the influence of the hit single Me and Bobby McGee by Kris Kristofferson).
In August, 2006 they will tour in the United Kingdom. What a joy it would be to hear this band there, this band that comes from the depths of the unknown, without any promotional support, but, little by little, and armed only with their vast quality and style, they will arrive to catch a little bit of stardom. They are obviously fixed in the charts of American Sound, but no one thinks they can enter the official lists and orthodoxies governed by Music City.
I See Hawks in L.A. is a band that gives us hope and confirms our faith in the genre of Country Music, a genre more alive today than ever.
Review from Holland:
Wat begon als een flauwekulbandje om muziek te maken op de veranda, eindigt (voorlopig) als een hooggenoteerde act in de US countrylijsten. Een komische groepsnaam van een humoristisch annex sarcastisch gezelschap dat op hun 3de album California Country zo ongeveer het hele countryspectrum – van traditioneel tot alternatief- behandelt. De belangrijkste leden van I See Hawks In L.A. zijn Rob Waller (leadzang, akoestische gitaar) en Paul Lacques (gitaren, lapsteel, Dobro en 2de stem) die – op één nummer na – alles samen componeerden. Beiden zorgden voor een melodierijke stevige rocksound dat in veel gevallen de basis vormt voor de 13 nummers. En ook de teksten mogen niet onvermeld blijven, want die vertellen quasi grappig over van alles en nog wat. Luister bijvoorbeeld naar opener Motorcycle Mama (helemaal klaar voor een lekker ritje, maar dan weigert de motor dienst) of naar het bijtende Slash From Guns N’Roses met heuse Slash- venijnige gitaarsolo. Ook ervaringen met Californië, Disney/Orlanda, de romance in Houston, the summer of love in Raised By Hippies, het gouden meisje of cannabisgenot in Barrier Reef, werden spitsvondig opgetekend en ouderwets goed muzikaal vormgegeven. Een handvol muzikanten droegen aan de opnames een steentje bij met, als meest bekenden, oudgediende snarenspelers Rick Shea en Chris Hillman. Boven op dit alles moet dan nog de kleurrijke meerstemmige samenzang vermeld worden en dan zijn alle relevanties over het mooie California Country genoemd. Voor een hoge verkoopverwachting zie ik echter veel beren op de weg in ons kikkerland.
— Huub Thomassen, Real Roots Cafe, Holland
GOOGLE Translation:
What started as a rubbish band make music on the veranda, finishes (provisionally) as hooggenoteerde act in the US countrylijsten. A comic group name of humoristic annex sarcastic gezelschap that on their 3rd album California Country this way approximately the complete countryspectrum – of traditionally to alternative treats. The most important members of I See Hawks in L.A. to be Rob Waller (leadzang, acoustic jet ear) and Paul Lacques (jet ears, rag stalk, Dobro and 2nd voice) that – on one number after – together composed everything. Both ensured melodierijke firm rocksound that in many cases the basis form the 13 numbers. And also the texts cannot remain unmentioned, because those tell seeming funny of everything and still what. Lustre for example to more open Motorcycle mummy (entirely ready for nice ritje, but then) or to the caustic Slash From Guns N Roses with heuse Slash- refuse service to the engine virulent gitaarsolo. Also experiences with California, Disney/Orlanda, the romance in Houston, the summer or love in Raised By Hippies, reef gouden the little girl or cannabisgenot in Barrier, clever were noted down and old-fashioned well musical were formed. Hand-full muzikanten contributed a steentje to the prerecordings with, as most acquaintances, oudgediende snarenspelers Rick Shea and Chris Hillman. On top of all this then and then its all relevances still the coloured polyphonic samenzang mentioned concerning the beautiful California Country must become called. For a high sale expectation to see I however much roaring on the way in our frog country.