An opinion piece by guitarist and crank Paul Lacques:
Greetings and salutations, Obama fans. A week has passed since the stunning presidential election. And yes, despite our mistrust of Obama’s stated policies and his entrenchment in the corporate America he so eloquently criticizes–we were moved to tears. Group emotion is hard to resist. But it was way more than that. The crowd at Soldier’s Field in Chicago was a high def ocean of America’s youth and optimism, innocence and joy. It was an irrefutable image of America’s leadership in diverse cultures getting along, becoming friends, spouses, families. Yes, we have progressed. Despite the old school hatred snarling away in the creepy McCain/Palin Defeat Rally in Arizona, it is clear that most Americans have indeed begun to free themselves from the bonds of racial fear and prejudice.
America pulled off something no hipper than thou European nation is likely to do. We elected a member of an oppressed minority to our highest office. The best aspect of America, its pioneering spirit, has been revived. We all felt it. Over to you, France. Top that.And to those who went out and volunteered for the Obama campaign, congratulations. We wish we shared your faith in the audacity of hope.
But we don’t. And we’re going to call early bullshit on this audacity. We have not elected a miracle maker. Yes, he’s cool, and the most muscular intellect since Jefferson. But he’s not Jesus. Far from it, Dude. Far from it.Can America continue its policy of military or covert interference in the affairs of literally every nation on earth, of a $600 billion per year defense budget and an economy based on war, of sheltering our wealthiest from doing and paying even remotely their fair share, of ignoring our national disgrace of homelessness and spiking working class poverty, of paying lip service to the collapse of the oil economy and our ecosphere?
Answers Obama: Yes we can! Yes we can! Si se puede!Read this and weep. It was a great party. Now let’s sweep up and wake up:
http://www.counterpunch.orgIf the change President-elect Obama has promised includes a halt to America’s wars of aggression and an end to the rip-off of taxpayers by powerful financial interests, what explains Obama’s choice of foreign and economic policy advisors? Indeed, Obama’s selection of Rahm Emanuel as White House chief of staff is a signal that change ended with Obama’s election. The only thing different about the new administration will be the faces.
Rahm Emanuel is a supporter of Bush’s invasion of Iraq. Emanuel rose to prominence in the Democratic Party as a result of his fundraising connections to AIPAC. A strong supporter of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, he comes from a terrorist family. His father was a member of Irgun, a Jewish terrorist organization that used violence to drive the British and Palestinians out of Palestine in order to create the Jewish state. During the 1991 Gulf War, Rahm Emanuel volunteered to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. He was a member of the Freddie Mac board of directors and received $231,655 in directors fees in 2001. According to Wikipedia, “during the time Emanuel spent on the board, Freddie Mac was plagued with scandals involving campaign contributions and accounting irregularities.