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Paul Marshall is trying out the rings on his new phone. He’s really running them through the paces, letting the whole melody play out, waiting until the groove kicks in. They’re almost all disco tunes these days. I hope he picks a good disco ring. That’d be great. Not the circusy shit. Those freak me out. The next ring is called “Creole.” It sounds like the digital representation of a swamp. Then “Exhilaration” ,”Holiday” , and “In the Groove.” He starts calling the names out fast and I can’t keep up. Time to take another sip off the whiskey jar.


There’s no turning back now. Bags are packed, guitars are racked, truck is filled with gas. Tomorrow we depart for America at noon. Wish us luck, wish us speed, wish us no run-ins with the law.

A hearty farewell and a see you on the road to: Katie, Victoria, Sherri,Colleen, Mom and Mitch, Vic Koler, Paul Dugre, Pete Rosenzweig, Chris Landen, Dave Trumfio, Mark Follman, Gabriel Shephard, Andy Takajian, Carter Stowell and Chani, Lecie Williams, Cody Bryant, Marcus Watkins and Double Naught Spy Car, Richie Lawrence, M. B. Gordy, Rick Shea, Patti Booker, Bubba Hernandez, Bliss, Robert Dean, Ronnie Mack, The Bellyachers, The Believers,
Nearly Beloved, the Lacques clan, Scott, Stefanie, P.J., Dave Alvin, Mike Stinson and Band, Randy Weeks, Gabe and Naano, JLB and Walkie Talkie, Kara and Daniel and all at Amoeba, Kip Boardman and friends, Ben Vaughn, Idaho Falls, Sid Hillman, Gwendolyn, Corrie Gregory and MOM, King Kukulele, Mitch Marine, Sin City, Mars Arizona, Riz, Bill Tapia, Rebekah Florence, Lisa Finnie, Art Fein, Groovy Rednecks, SuperBroke, Dave Royer, The L.A. Weekly, Jonny Whiteside, Gwynne Garfinkle, Dan Janisch, Ed Barguiarena, Michael Simmons, Greg Burk, Ukefink, Sea Level Records, Slobberbone, Lisa Marr, Kaz Murphy, Emory Gordy Jr., Carl Radle, Woody Guthrie, Julian Henslee, Larry Brown, Henry Schipper, Tom Nixon, Barry Smolin, Hollow Log, Alyssa Archambault, Alan Archambault, Ray Doyle, Azalia Snail, Fred and Demolisten, Toe Tappin’Music, Kingsize Maybe, Ben Quinones, Jeff
Miller, The Derailers, Music Without Borders, Zachariah and ESPN, Stew and Heidi, David Gans, Johnny Fargo and Taix, Ali, Alan, and the Cole’s regulars, Ladytown, F.A.R., Dave Rubin, Dave Zirbel, Otono and Los Pochos,Amy Farris, Kathy Orlando, Joe Paquin, Udana Power, Joel Rane, Matt and High or Hellwater, Lisa Richardson, Mike Rings, Stuart Rapaport, Diana Rogers, Jeanna Steele, Handsome Family, Keith Miles, John Palmer, Jeff Winter, Ronnie Mack, Koko and High Tech Auto, Sara Baumann and the Ivy Room, Sweetwater, House Of Blues, Carlos Guitarlos, Scot Ray, Molly Malone’s, Tracy and the Hindenburg Ground Crew, Charlotte and the Tip Jar, Dave Stewart and Zoey’s, Liz Garo, Knitting Factory NYC/LA, Galapagos, Spaceland, Charlie and Beantown, Bob Stane and Coffee Gallery, SXSW, NXNW, NRDC, UCLA, ACLU, Christina Ortega and her band, David and Patrick at Ethic, Ghost Town, Brian Sebastian, Seemore and His Country Paw, Speedboat, Captain Pete, Seppi
the Bird, Ippes, the Crows, Karen and Gregg and Humboldt Green, Rick Cunha, Mother Truckers, Dan Tures, Julie D’Angelo, Claire Chandler, Lucinda Williams, Weba Garretson, Steve Gregoropolis and W.A.C.O., Noam Chomsky, Diane Griggs, Scott and the Fold, Karla and King King, Border Radio, Lowen & Navarro, Chuck Taggart, Mona and Randall, Greg Goad, Peter Kessler, Juliana Parr, Bryson Jones and Sweethearts of the Rodeo, Charles and Angie, The Wedding’s Off, Tony Gilkyson, Some Party, Morley Bartnoff, Kristen Mooney, Richard Cromelin, Paul Kulak, Todd Meehan and Tower, Maxine Waters, Sara Osmer, Eric Gotthelf, The People Of Wonder Valley, Jeff Levy, Jack Blum and the USC Writing Program, Rosie Flores, Ron Goudie, Richard Gehr, the number 43, Claire Holley, Listing Ship, Spain, France, Interstate 5, Highway 162,
Folk Music Center, Village Voice, Michael Berrick and Country Standard Time, LeFrost, Richard Fereirra, Gary Calamar and Open Road, Leigh Ann Hahn,Actuality Productions, certain episodes of Modern Marvels, Campus Circle, early models of the Ford Taurus station wagon, Answer Coalition, Country Bear, Dave Raven, Darrell Larson, Boulevard Music, Greg Daponte, the editorial board of the Logger Post-Intelligencer, Joe Teresa (aka Mr. T), The Gutter Café, Tom Tomorrow, KPFK, KPFA, Amy Goodman, Val Kilmer for his dead on performance as Jim Morrison in Oliver Stone’s The Doors, Cindy Chyr, the Stanley
Brothers, The Louvin Brothers, Jean Bertrand Aristide, Lisa Haley, and David Jackson. See you out there.

Reviews from ‘I See Hawks in L.A.’ CD

Earth and Sky
by Jonny Whiteside, L.A. Weekly

Cole’s, an old saloon located on deepest Sixth Street, is an ideal setting for the musical dichotomy known as I See Hawks in L.A. With its shadowy barroom atmosphere, novelty signage (florid 1890s calligraphy proclaims “Ladies Please Make Your Solicitations Discreetly”) and a crowd of downtown bohemian patrons sporting studied rumple-hep (one even turns up barefoot), the spot suits this band’s unusual blend of country-rock methodology and beatnik-autonomy themes. Bassist-singer Paul Marshall, a veteran who has worked with everyone from the Strawberry Alarm Clock to hillbilly queen Rose Maddox, sits at the bar, answering a blunt “Just what is this band, anyway?”

“It’s country-based,” he says, “but what drew me to them are the lyrics — they’re very different. I guess the best way to describe it is ‘cosmic cowboy music.'”

Formed three years ago by singer Robert Rex Waller and guitarist Paul Lacques, I See Hawks has an engaging reckless streak that’s complemented by the first-rate musicianship of Lacques, Marshall, guitarist Shawn Norrus, steel man John McDuffie and ubiquitous fiddler-mandolinist Brantley Kearns. While its first album, issued in 2001, was a somewhat haphazard affair, the band is currently sitting on a new 10-track demo that, though lacking a label, is loaded with the kind of idiosyncratic allure that Waller uses to great effect. He’s a big boy with an affable demeanor; his strong, clean singing exhibits a profound relationship with the hard-country style. While this “Americana” thing has done got a bit out of hand, mostly providing context for a clutch of unpersuasive performers who favor droning, amelodic deconstruction of traditional form, I See Hawks manages to wrap up freeform poetics and Southern musical conventions into a convincing package.

“Rob, my brother and I were out in the Mojave,” Lacques says. “And we got kind of high out on this distant peak, and it got tribal, this animalistic running-through-the-scrub ritual — it was a bonding thing. Then we just started talking about the hawks in L.A., and we’re all kind of eco-radicals, so that subtext is in the music. We’re all animals, but we’ve hit our limit and forgotten we’re subject to all the laws of nature. The band is about trying to remain aware of nature while stuck in the city. So we just said, ‘Shoot, let’s have a country band called I See Hawks.’ We didn’t play a gig for a long time, just wrote songs for about year. You are conscious when you’re doing a genre, but we’ll try anything, and it has continued going in a country direction.”

Waller amplifies: “We have three kinds of songs: songs about places, and animals — we have a donkey song, dogs, whales and, of course, hawks — and songs in defiance of death. What we’re writing and playing is connected to the land. Whatever ground you’re standing on influences the way you sound as a musician, and we’ve got the California country tradition that we love and want to be a part of. ‘Defiance of death’ is an important part, one that’s deeply rooted in the country tradition. There’s a sort of apocalyptic vision, and also the wish that all that would go away.

“Everybody in the band plays a huge role, and our experiences are so different,” he continues. “Paul Lacques has played in so many different bands, but he started out playing bluegrass and country when he was a kid. Brantley has all the old-time music in his head, and Paul Marshall has his country experience and the psychedelic world, which is also prominent in our music.”

This particular Cole’s date — the band play here regularly — is the Hawks’ stripped-down acoustic quartet; when in full electrified flight, they add mule-kick drums and Texas Playboys/ Allman Brothers twin-guitar takeoffs, but here, circled around a single microphone, Lacques’ dobro cascades notes with an accuracy and affection worthy of Merle Haggard’s Strangers, and as Kearns’ impeccable fiddle breaks stir the audience to spontaneous cries of glee, the Hawks’ brand of peculiar cleaves to the familiar with striking ardor. The strange combination of Waller and Lacques’ Mojave-fired animist concept and contributions from exceptional musicians seems to feed on itself.

“I See Hawks’ writing does have a sort of life of its own,” Lacques says. “There’s definitely an unseen third person in the room when we’re working on stuff — the songs come out very quickly. We feel extremely fortunate about the people we’ve hooked up with. We have these great pro players, and I always think, ‘Oh, we’ve suckered another one in!'”

“When you first listen to I See Hawks in L.A., you hear the staples of Southern California country rock — sunny harmonies and a Flying Burritos Brothers vibe — with a bit of bluegrass mixed in.   But listen closely and you’ll notice that they’re often giving the genre a twist.  How else can you describe a group whose lonesome ode “Duty To Our Pod” is a love song about whales?   These cosmic cowboys often seek “the beautiful narcotic place” that they sing about. And, not surprising given the band’s name, flying references abound here, from planes to birds to the man who is “100 feet up in a tree.”   Despite their somewhat skewed approach, their music is grounded by top-notch playing (particularly from fiddler Brantley Kearns and guitarist/lap steel player Paul Lacques) and strong vocals.   Besides the group’s fine harmonies, frontman Robert Rex Waller moves smoothly between a rough-hewn singing style and a sweeter, Parsons-like croon.   Whether they’re tweaking country rock, as in the humorous honky-tonker “Don’t Bury Me,” or simply creating the stirring dysfunctional family portrait “To the Snow,” the L.A.-based band acquit themselves quite nicely on their debut.”   
— Michael Berick, Country Standard Time

“One more day on the 605,” laments Robert Rex Waller Jr. on the title track of I See Hawks in L.A. the debut album from the band of the same name. “What if this place got buried alive?” he continues. “The biggest quake the world’s ever seen/Let the snakes take over again.” Like the band’s name itself, the song situates I See Hawks’ brand of country music squarely in Southern California, and it does so in front of a musical background lush with steel guitar and fiddle (courtesy of Paul Lacques and Brantley Kearns, respectively), and foregrounded by Waller’s world-weary, expressive vocals. I See Hawks’ landscape is an often forbidding one, bleak and lonely yet deeply human, with the shadow of death never far behind. The chorus of “The Mystery of Life” could be the band’s credo: “In the end, it is each man’s destiny to face the mystery of life alone.” Yet the album closes with two tracks that depart from this somber vision: the up-tempo, humorously defiant “Don’t Bury Me,” which brags, “I’m gonna stay alive when I die,” and the tentative love song “Baby,” which ends the record on a guardedly hopeful note: “I think I’ll hold you close when the cold wind comes.” The members of I See Hawks have performed with the likes of Dwight Yoakam, Dave Alvin and Emmylou Harris, as well as with such outfits as the Magic of Television and Double Naught Spy Car. They’ve created a record that evokes sprawling desert spaces made hospitable by the presence of a few guys singing in gorgeous harmony. Dreamy and offbeat, the album stands up well against the best of country music while also achieving a surprising originality.”
— Gwynne Garfinkle, LA New Times

“Those who prefer their country music back porch style (fiddles and mandolin) rather than Backstreet Boys style (fashion-model arena rock) may want to check out I See Hawks in LA. This, their first CD, is a long way from the first music these cowboys have plucked: The fiddle belongs to Brantley Kearns (Dwight Yoakam); the bassist is David Jackson(Emmylou Harris); the drummer is Anthony Lacques (The Magic of Television); the guitarist, steel player and main co-writer is Paul Lacques (Bonedaddys). Hawks singer Robert Rex Waller Jr., whose plaints of deserts and desolation in a manly low tenor might remind you of Gordon Lightfoot or Delbert McClinton. Hope they play the stomping “Don’t Bury Me (When I Die).”
— Greg Burke, LA Weekly

“I just completed my 4th listening to I See Hawks in LA’s debut recording and I’m here to report that I love it! I knew the playing would be great, of course, but I’m quite smitten with the songwriting too. Great stuff! It has skill, authenticity, soul, irony, and an underlying sadness that I find incredibly compelling. Brilliant work.”
— Barry Smolin, host/producer, The Music Never Stops KPFK 90.7 FM–Los Angeles

” stuff as good as ishila aint easy for me to write about. you know, i never did get that rock critic job at the Deaf Gazette…but anyway….turn the cell phone off…keep your eyes on the road…visit this classic monument of sound and poetry…forget the camera for they have taken the clearest pictures…its american in the best sense of that word…its also my favorite record of the year, if not the last 5 or 10.”
— Stew, from TNP

“On their debut disc, I See Hawks In LA fly high with a breed of country rock that’s blessed with both a sun-baked ease and a gravel road grit. The record boasts some fine harmonizing behind Robert Rex Waller Jr.’s vocals (which are a pleasing blend of Neil Young, John Doe and Gram Parsons). Besides Waller, the band also includes the talents of in-demand session men: fiddler Brantley Kearns and bassist David Jackson, along with the Lacques brothers (drummer Anthony and guitarist Paul). Together they make simple music that soars splendidly.”
— Miles of Music

“Celebrating the release of their extraordinary new Grapevine CD, I See Hawks in L.A. continue to explore artistic territory few others visit. The band’s ambitious vision of psychedelicized California country incorporates themes of such basics as geography and wildlife with a cerebral approach to imagery and ideology, creating songs rooted in an offbeat eco-radical libertarianism. The driving-force duo of singer Rob Waller and guitarist Paul Lacques have cooked up one of the most audacious sounds the Golden State has ever produced. Their songs have an air of both spontaneous immediacy and shrewdly applied musical craftsmanship so unconventional that frequently cited precursors the Flying Burrito Brothers pale to utter irrelevance beneath the band’s high-altitude artistry. A wilder blue yonder.
— Jonny Whiteside, L.A. Weekly

The L.A. Underground
by Zach Selwyn, Campus Circle

I SEE HAWKS IN L.A. Soar Atop Alt-Country World Halfway through our afternoon interview, I See Hawks in L.A. guitar player and vocalist Paul Lacques points out of the window of the Silverlake diner where we are seated towards the resplendent soaring wingspan of a bird in flight, which passes by as if on cue.  “There’s a hawk right there,” he says, forcing lead vocalist Robert Rex Waller, Jr. and myself to glance at what seems to be one on the wing, gliding directly above Sunset Boulevard. “We tend to see them as omens when we see them as a band.”

Sure enough, there are hawks in L.A. Not only in the sky, but in the world of alt-alt-country music. I See Hawks in L.A. formed a few years back and has been a mainstay on the re-emerging Los Angeles country scene ever since. Backed by the masterful fiddle playing of Brantley Kearns and the steel guitar of Paul Lacques, lead singer Robert Rex Waller, Jr. serves up a decadent helping of desert country rock that riffs on the pleasures of the soul. His somewhat vivacious range saunters from a Steve Earle-like plea for attention into Gram Parsons-like episodic peacefulness.

Their self-titled debut record was hailed by critics and fans alike as a defining moment in the new country underground that began to take shape around the time that the Beachwood Sparks reminded L.A. why country-rock was once king. Songs like “Bury Me” and “I See Hawks in L.A.” permeated a sad desert landscape that floated as high as the Hawks often claim to be.

Now, as they prepare to release a follow-up album, the Hawks are ascending closer to the sprawling open sky that punctuates their music with freedom. One of their new songs, the finely tuned marijuana love letter “Humboldt,” shows that the Hawks are experimenting with a more rock-like sound, accentuated with the medicinal chanting that opens the song.

“The new album just rocks more, it’s a lot harder,” Waller Jr. expresses. “The first record was very contemplative and a little quieter. The next one is more up and a little more experimental.” With a new record due in early 2003, the Hawks continue to glide along the L.A. skyway. Hopefully, people will look up and recognize that there are not only hawks in L.A., but that they are poised for a musical takeover.

“The twang of a lap guitar travels the length of a western canyon; closer by, a mandolin ornaments the campfire darkness. There is a gorgeous spaciousness to these new songs by “I See Hawks in L.A.,” uncrowded by the usual meaningless pop clutter. In this new spaciousness the ‘Hawks’ fashion for themselves an unapologetically expressive and heartfelt songwriting style. Waller’s voice carries the emotional power of Steve Earle — but funnier, lighter, and more inventive.”
— Oliver Broudy, The Paris Review

— Los Angeles Times

“A local band called I See Hawks In L.A. creates music whose sound and feel is unmistakeably Californian-like sunrise over desert saguaros, and, yes, great winged wonders circling the San Gabriels. There’s an almost timeless quality about it. It’s not quite garage rock, not quite country, folk, gospel or bluegrass, yet it possesses elements of each. Not unlike SoCal’s landscape (and culture), it’s a seemingly incougruous hybrid. But when the disparate parts of I See Hawks In L.A. come together in harmony, on waves of lap steel, the results are plain gorgeous.”  
— Bliss, Pasadena Weekly

“This album forces you to think uncomfortable thoughts. It reaches deep inside.”  4 1/2 Stars
–Rhett Ashley,  International Country Music Association News July 2002

***1/2 (out of 5)

“Band di Los Angeles all’esordio. Sonorit roots, belle voci, arrangiamenti intriganti ed una manciata di canzoni di indubbio valore. Una bella sorpresa, per continuare a scandagliare la scena roots alternativa.”
–Buscadero (Italy)

“I See Hawks In L.A. play the finest cosmic cowboy music since the Burrito Brothers–explicitly cannabinoid tunes encompassing expansive desert vistas and dysfunctional Hollywood losers. Dig their unreleased “Humboldt,” the finest marijuana anthem since ‘One Toke Over The Line.’ ”
–Michael Simmons,  L.A. Weekly

I See Hawks in L.A. takes a slightly more cerebral approach to country music. This is not to say the genre is overrun with cavemen, but clipped onto the well-worn bootheels of this outfit is a spur of skewed wit, intelligence, and contemplation. The music itself is the very picture of congeniality — accomplished players strum languidly with reverence and grace, conjuring deep-seeded tradition rather than new country (aka, rock music from people in cowboy hats). There’s a grass-roots essence running through the album, but the band sidesteps tradition in the lyrics with tracks like “Nicotine & Vitamin C,” the lovely sunset lullaby of “The Beautiful Narcotic Place I Reside,” and the saddle-shop quartet of “A Dog Can Break Your Heart Too.” Furthermore, “The Mystery of Life” and “Duty to Our Pod” seem downright existentialist in their approach. The modest bari-twang vocals of Robert Rex Waller Jr. and the other contributing voices are all appropriately unpolished.

Reviews from DJs and Radio

“Your cd, it arrived. Damn! But it grabbed me but good. I was thoroughbredly impressed! You have a great sound. I can’t wait to listen to it again. Soon. You’ll be gettin’ heard in this Montana region. On KGLT. On ‘Americana Backroads.’ Thanks! I can’t see the hawks, but from what I heard, I believe that y’all do!”
—Rik James, “Americana Backroads”
(KGLT-FM, Sat. 12pm – 3pm)
Bozeman, Montanta

“Hi. I got your cd and at the moment I am playin it for the second time. I really think it’s great! Track one with its Chet Atkin’s picking and great lyrics. In fact all the lyrics are great and the playin and singing is the iceing on the cake.”
— Big Al Watts
Victoria, Australia

“I See hawks In LA flew into Bendigo today and it is great – congratulations – my favorite tracks for airplay on first couple of hearings are :- Nicotine & Vitamin C, I See Hawks In LA, Don’t Bury Me. I plan to play a couple of tracks tomorrow night on my show, Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance Party.”
— Trevor Hyland
Victoria, Australia

“Hi. Your CD arrived today. It’s really good. And the more I listen, the more I like it. It has a nice, relaxing flow, and I like the harmonies.”
–Doug Allsopp
BMG/Buffalo Records
Kanagawa, Japan

“Hi! Lord Litter (Berlin, Germany) here .. I received the CD yesterday – great! Many thanks .. airplay guaranteed .. will be back with playlists.”
–Lord Litter
Berlin Germany

“I just wanted to tell you that I received the CD. Thanks for sending it! Sometimes it reminds me the music of the Harmony Ridge Creekdeepers…I’ll be playing on my show.”
— Lluis Sala
Girona, Spain

“Just had a close listen to your great cd .. some real fine tunes on there… I just programmed BEAUTIFUL NACOTIC PLACE I RESIDE… for my new show on Ems.Vechte.Welle ….what a song … great, just great.”
–Hermann Lammers
Aschendorf, Germany

“Thank you very much for sending me the album….arrived safe this morning.. really enjoyed it!!!!…..just recommended it at “Lost Highway Germany”, it’s a “postcard 2″ like e-group here in Germany…..will be airing on my Hillbilly Rockhouse shows….and it will make my Top Ten at John Conquest’s Third Coast Music magazine in Austin, Texas.”
–Gerd Stassen
Lengerich, Germany

“I did get the CD, I See Hawks in LA, and have even played from it already–I’m especially enamored of the song, “Papa Stopped the Wagon.” I will play more–it’s a nice CD. Many thanks.”
–Mike Kelsey
WFHB Community Radio
Bloomington, Indiana

“Hi. I just got it. It sounds great and and I will be playing some cuts on upcoming shows. I post my playlist to the twangdj egroup on Yahoo.”
–Richard Schwartz
Castle Valley, UT

“Yes, thanks, I received it and have been listening as well as enjoying. Don’t you just love that Brantley! Jackson ain’t no bad nut neither.”
–Joyce Symons
Nashville, TN

“Yes, I received your great CD and I played one title yesterday. I’ll play some more in the next future.”
–Rolf Hierath
Walluf, Germany

“The CD arrived and it is really good, be sure that I shall play it a lot in my next radio shows here. I thank you so much for sending it to me and wish to you and all in the band all the best.”
–Massimo Ferro
Radio Voce Spazio
Alessandria, Italy

“Yes, I received it and have already played “Papa Stopped The Wagon” on my
August 12 show. I’m sure I’ll find something else to play from the CD. It’s
my kind of music.”
–Kenny Weissberg
Music Without Boundaries/KXST-FM/San Diego

“Yes, I recieved ” I see Hawks in LA” and I played 2 songs of it, in my MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. Thanks for the cd, I hope, we can work together for a long time, Now, it’s almost 6 AM, and it’s my time to jump in my bed, “cuase, i work at night. Bye for now.”
–Mia “Your DJ” Heylen
Hulshout, Belgium

“Yes, a couple of days ago we got your CD “I See Hawks In LA”. We will start within the next days to play it on our radio programme. Best wishes!”
–Andrea Stolle
Old Stringhouse Music
Herford, Germany

“I have got CD and I thank you very much. I have listened to it several times. Please say hello to Paul, Anthony, Brantley & David for me and tell them the froggies will croak by pleasure when they ‘ll listen to your music. This letter to sincerely thank you for the good music you sent me. I really really like your music and no less than six songs will be on my playlist. These songs are tracks 2,4,6,7,10 and 11. You may be surprised by this large number of selected songs but I have to tell you that I love it.”
–Mike Penard
Radio ISA
Lhuis, France

“Received and played it on the air last Friday.”
–Bert van der Wijst
Peel Star Country Club
The Netherlands

“I’ve already receive your CD and you can count on a good airplay.”
–Nuna Mora
Funchal, Portugal

“Got it! I like it, and wsill be airing material from it in the coming
weeks. Thanks for including me in your good work!”
–Erika Brady
Alvaton, Kentucky

“I did receive your CD and I had time to give it a quick listen and liked what I heard. I WILL BE ADDING IT TO THE ROTATION IN THE COMING WEEKS.”
–Bruce Ross
Palo Alto, California

“I did receive your CD. Cuts 1, 4 and 11 are on my playlists. Thanks for cd and keep me posted.”
–Jane Weber
Music Editor At Slovene National Radio
Ljubljana, Slovenia

“Got you CD. Great stuff for my program. Thanks much.”
–Alex Pijnen
BRTO Radio

“Just a quick note to say hello and to let you know that I have received your CD titled “I SEE HAWKS IN LA” and thank you very much for sending this my way. I’ve listened a lot to it and although it is very different from the type of country music I play on my program, which is more traditional than anything else, I quite like the album and there are quite a few tracks (most of them, in fact) that I can give airplay to. My program generally consists of all genres of country music, although I do lean towards traditional, but
every now and then I throw in something quite different, like your album for example, I also play bluegrass, country blues, tex mex. Thanks again for sending me your music. Bye for now, take care and kind “country” regards from Aussie land.”
–Trudy Burke
Victoria, Australia

“Thank you very much for sending your great I See Hawks in L.A. CD. I’ll try to give as much as possible airplay.”
–Rein Wortelboer
Peel Grass Radio
The Netherlands

“I gave your CD a good listen while driving around the southeast last week. Excellent stuff! I played “Hecker Pass” on KPFA last night, and I got a very excited phone call from a listener wanting to know more.”
–David Gans
Dead to the World
KPFA Radio
Berkely, California